Thursday, May 21, 2009

I went out to Allenwood Beach today to take a few was a little windy but still warm, the photos turned our pretty good I think, take a look!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Saturday

So I went out this weekend to shoot some trilliums that I have seen on my way to work, I had to get out early since these beautiful flowers only bloom for a short time. So enjoy! 

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Marsh

Last summer I rekindled my friendship with nature. I have grown up in  rural area surrounded by trees and animals and after working with the environment last summer I was inspired to re-connect with nature. Here are a few of my favorite pictures. Enjoy!

The Falls

So I have lived in the Niagara area for four years and I recently went to see the falls, it was gorgeous sunny day and I had a blast just shooting the area and of course the falls. Let me know what you think!